Saturday, October 16, 2010

green peppers stuffed with frijoles negros, maiz y goat cheese

organic bell pepper, onion and garlic straight from the box (with a hearty tomato that lasted from last times box).

Oh and in case you were wondering, the kale soup came out gross. I was gettin too experimental .

Kale Soup

Watch as this chopped up organic onion simmers in non-organic butter! It's sort of  East meets West, or greedy farm monopoly meets farmin for the people in a teflon pot.

Technical Difficulties

This was suppose to become a delicious apple-pear-kale-carrot juice but the juicer started tripping and juicing itself. The point of eating organic is to lessen the amount of plastic digested! Juicy weekends on pause for now.

Fall Bounty

It's that time of year when the veggies and fruit turn brown...and red and yellow and orange. I do love spring and summer harvest, but I'm committed to getting down with what nature has to offer in my regional climate.
We got yams, pop-in-your-mouth-candy-like-tomatoes, melon (I think), apples, pear, papas, kale, iceberg lettuce, onion, and garlic.For sure the melon will meet it's destiny when it is wrapped in prosciutto (!), kale and papas go into the weekly soup, and the apples and pears will make their way to the juicer. Please feel free to post any recipes for any of the produce you see or challenge me to a cook off or post your own photos!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This salad got the organic crunchy carrots and tangy lettuce.
Beef Barley Soup. Cracking!!

La Cocina

I'm trying to cook and eat all the veggies and fruit that I get from the Greenhearts Family Farm. Every 2 weeks I get a "vegetable present box" (as Soleil would say) delivered to my door steps and then I have to figure out how to prep and cook all this organic stuff. Don't get it twisted, this is not a vegetarian kitchen. This is geared towards a meat-eating audience with vegetable tendencies. Watch how these straight -from- the-organic- farm veggies and fruit turn into tasty ass meals! Welcome to the cocina ...